
Quick and simple way to add Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts and custom fonts to your theme without coding

Getting Started with Fonty

Upon installing the app on your Shopify store, you will be presented with the Fonts page. From this page you can activate new fonts, upload custom fonts, and manage each of the font settings....

Preview Google Fonts

On the Fonts page, you will see a section dedicated to the free Google Fonts.The top part of this section contains all the fonts you currently have activated, and the bottom section is a list of all free Google Fonts.From the bo...

Activating Google Fonts

On the Fonts page, you will see a section dedicated to the free Google Fonts.Once you have clicked the little preview icon found at the end of each of the font items, you will find an 'Activate' button.Clicking this will...

Controlling Font Settings

At the top of the Google fonts and Custom fonts sections, any font you have activated or uploaded will be displayed. These are the fonts you wish to use on your store, but will need settings applied before they become effective.At...

Uploading Custom Fonts - paid PRO plan only

Navigate over to the Fonts page and see the Custom fonts section on the right.The top part of this section contains all the fonts you currently have uploaded, and the bottom section is a drag and drop uploader.From the b...

Adobe Fonts - paid PRO plan only

To allow the use of Adobe fonts, you will first need to head over to your creative cloud platform and find the font section. Choose the font you wish to use and download the font files to your machine.Once downloaded, you can then...

Deleting Fonts

To delete a font first open the font settings up by clicking the little settings icon found at the end of your activated font items.Once the font settings modal popup is open, you can find a little delete (icon) button in the bott...

Deactivating & Activating Fonts

To deactivate a font first open the font settings up by clicking the little settings icon found at the end of your activated font items.Once the font settings modal popup is open, you can find a 'Deactivate' button in the bottom l...

App Visibility

Head over to the Settings page to view the available settings.You will find an option for 'Disable App'. This will allow you to turn the app on or off whilst leaving all fonts in their current state, yet wont have any af...

Upgrading / Downgrading

Within the top panel of the app sits an option called Subscriptions which shows your current plan and all other available plansIf you are wanting to downgrade, keep in mind your current limits will become active again wh...


Within the cog icon in the top right hand corner of the app sits an option called Support. Clicking this will take you to the support page where you can fill out the form and wait for our speedy developers and support staff t...

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